All people who want to get involved in search of their part more ironic and fun. For those who love to laugh and make laugh through processes and reflections that know how to transform everyday life and their personality with irony and fun.

Teatro Comico


The teaching will touch the basics of being on stage and be able to face monologues or scenes to two or more people following the rules of comedy theater and cabaret

Physical and vocal training

Definition of comedy and laughter

Discover and study your own comic side

Rhythm and suspension

Expressive search

Search and study of your character


Comic writing

Staging and audience reaction


Oscar Genovese
Paola Galassi

The in-depth study will leave ample room for experimentation and individual growth.
There will be a free trial lesson.


The course will be held every Thursday from 20:00 to 22:30

Foto Oscar Genovese - Docente PAC Pesaro

Actor, director, trainer. He graduated in 2002 at the Scuola del Teatro Stabile delle Marche. Since 1997 he has worked with actors and directors
national and international: Giampiero Solari, Paola Galassi, Ugo Chiti, Giles Smith, Gabriella Crispino, Franco Branciaroli, Valerio
Binasco, Morgan Nardi, Daniele Falleri. He worked as a performer and in the children’s theater in the musical company “La
Rancia”. Author for television (Mediaset, RAI International) and for European theatre (Tanzhaus NRW, Croatian National Theatre).
He has participated in numerous workshops of theatre-dance and movement. Actor of fiction (Mediaset) and film (Movie And). Conducts
Permanent theatre workshops with various psychiatric and educational communities. She is acting and diction teacher, acting trainer.
Communication and public-speaking consultant for companies.
He is one of the founding actors and now director of the “San Costanzo Show”.

Paola Galassi, Docente PAC

Graduated from the Accademia d’Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi in Milan, she studied ervitor the Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi in Milan. She continued his training working with Giorgio Strehler in “La Tempesta” and in “Arlecchino ervitor di due padroni” and working as Assistant director in operas directed by M.Scaparro, F.Crivelli, F. Soleri and G: Ponnelle. She began to write for the theatre and to sign small theatre productions with companies of young graduates from the Academy, winning also awards and important reports. She meets Aldo Giovanni and Giacomo with whom he starts a collaboration that will last for many years. He collaborates and directs many Italian comedians, Claudio Bisio, Geppi Cucciari, Ale and Franz, Rossana Carretto, Natalino Balasso, Le Brugole, Giovanni Vernia, Frank Matano, Francesco Arienzo, and others. For television he is project leader together with Giancarlo Bozzo of all editions of “Buona la Prima” with Ale and Franz, Alessandro Betti and Katia Follesa. On air on “Italia 1”. Today she writes for television and theatrical performances of which she also signs the directories.
She teaches “Costume for the show” at the NABA in Milan. She was coach of “stage holding” for singers during the Xfactor broadcast. For three years she directed the Scuola del Teatro stabile delle Marche (where she was also an acting teacher). She collaborates with the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, taking courses in “Public Speaking” within some Master’s Degrees